Wow, lots of things to do in office today. As busy as a bee. I received a lot of enquires. Apparently, my senior executive was on leave today. So, some of the question I have to figure it out myself which was good to me (can train my problem-solving skill). XD I love to keep myself busy. Don't like to waste time.

Well, one of my colleague treated my lunch today ( as sign of welcoming for me ). I've just started joining this new company middle of last month. I enjoy it so far. We had our lunch at Banana Leaf. The food was quite good. 1st time for me. I ordered nasi lemak kambing. The sambal was spicy. It was similar to the hindus banana leaf rice where the banana leaf was use to put rice and vege instead of plate. I like this kind of idea coz it's environment-friendly. After all, it was a not-so-bad-day for me. *Wink*