What a wonderful weekend. First, I went to the temple with my cousins and aunt. After that, we had our breakfast in a cafe at Bangsar. There was a stall inside the cafe which is famous for its Sarawak Laksa. So, I ordered it. Wow, it was really delicious. Exactly the same as the one in my hometown. Well, I've tried Sarawak Laksa at Kepong before. It is awful. The soup was not spicy enough and it doesn't look attractive. I guess the shop owner was just selling for its
NAME but not the dish! For those who have tried the really Sarawak Laksa at any states in Sarawak before, you should know what is the actual taste of the laksa. This is the Sarawak Laksa that I ate yesterday.
Really tasty......

After filling up our stomach, our next destination is The Curve~~ Went there for movie~~ Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen. Wow, Cineleisure was so crowded. Everyone was so desperate for Transformers. Most of the tickets are selling fast. Although we managed to buy the 12.15pm show, we have to sit in the
1st row! Ah..it doesn't matter to me. As long as I get to watch the movie I've been waiting for. Haha....

Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen was awesome and terrific. There were new members of Deceptions and Autobots. I fell in love with The Twins. They were so cute and humorous in spite of always quarelling. Haha... However, Bumblebee is my life-time favourite autobot. He is so friendly and sweet. It made me burst into laughter seeing Bumblebee crying when Samuel told him that he couldn't follow Samuel to college. I never thought that autobots can cry!! Haha~~

My favourite scene is when Bumblebee and The Twins accompany Samuel on his mission to find the matrix in order to bring back Opitmus's life. It was so cool seeing Bumblebee leading them. Like a big brother guiding his little brother. Haha....

Luckily, Bumblebee wasn't hurt this time. Unlike in the 1st espisode, Bumblebee's leg was broken. I nearly cried that time. So pity for him~~ I was shocked when Optimus died in this episode. The scene was so touching. Optimus sacrifced himself to save Samuel when Samuel was being chased by the Deceptions. Luckily, he regain his life again.
After watching the movie, we shop for a while before going back home coz my aunt said that there was sales in front of cold storage. The shirts are very cheap. But, you have to 'dig' in order to get the shirts you like. Well, I managed to buy 2 shirts which I like it very much and it only cost me RM22 altogether. Haha..