Yeah~ Another trip again. Last Saturday, my fren, ZX, invited me, YH, Alex and her gf to her hometown --- Tangkak. I'm so excited about it coz my uncle told me that Tangkak is famous for durians~ My favourite fruit. Hehe~ We departed at around 11am.

This is what I saw along the journey--- Oil Palm Tree. Haha~ On the way, ZX kept telling us that Tangkak is a very very small town. I wonder how small could it be. After 1 and a half hour car drive, we reached Tangkak finally. Well, to my surprise, what she said is true. Her hometown is really small. It's like you are driving in a circle. Haha~ It's a T-junction. So, you either go straight, turn left or right and you end up at the starting point. Wow~ I never been to such a small town. We were all hungry by the time we arrived. Therefore, ZX took us to eat beef noodles which is the most famous food there. So, we have to turn right at the junction. Haha~

It is really tasty. I like the soup because it was boil using herbs. Nutritious~ Hehe~ However, it is not cheap. It cost me RM5.00. Well, beef is not cheap too. So, it is expected. But, the drinks are cheap. It's only RM0.60 for bailey. You can't find such cheap drinks in KL. After that, we paid a visit to Gunung Ledang.

Walking up the stairs to find a suitable spot for us to 'play' . Haha~

They enjoy themselves so much. Haha~ We were like back to childhood. Spashing water at one another and even catching fish. We spent the whole afternoon at there. Then, we went to her parent's shop to take our bath. We spotted this sign board on the way to her parent's shop. Read carefully on the english clause. It's kinda hard to understand. Why don't they use the word 'cheap' instead. Won't it be better? IF YOU THINK SAFETY IS
TRY ACCIDENT. Then, people will think of the importance of safety, will they? 
At night, ZX's parents treat us for dinner at the
ONLY restaurant in her hometown. The dishes served was quite nice. We have no other option since that is the
ONLY restaurant in town. After dinner, ZX's parent decided that we went to her uncle's cyber cafe for a while before heading to her grandfather's house where we will spent the night. This is my first time stepping into a cyber cafe and it's free of charge. Haha~~ We online for a while at there. At around 10 o'clock, we decided to called it a day. ZX's grandfather's house was very clean and neat. There are 7 rooms in his house. So, it's more than enough for us. Hehe~~
The anxiety and happiness inside us make us doesn't feel sleepy. After cleaning ourselves, we decided to play monopoly ( long time din play dy ). I was the last player at the beginning and also the player with the least house. While YH is the player with the most houses and money. Unfortunately, at the end, YH is the player who lost everything to Alex and Alex becomes the winner. Haha~ As for me, I'm kinda statisfied with what I have because they kept stepping on my utilities lots which earned me lots of money. LOL~~ We slept at around 2 am.