12 July----3 of my friends (2 guys and a girl) was born on this day. The 2 guys was born on the same day, same month and even same year (1987) ( don't mistaken them as twins, it was just a coincidence) while the girl was born on 1986. I never have more than 2 friends who was born on the same day. They are the first. They are my coursemates and we are in the same tutorial group.
Caption: The two birthday guys are so happy.So, after class today (4.00pm), we help the 2 guys to celebrate their birthday in Wong Kok (a restaurant) at SS2, Petaling Jaya. There was all together 12 of us. Although it was a simple celebration, we had a great fun. Wong Kok Restaurant not only has a good atmosphere, it also gives a super large drink to each birthday guy/girl for free. That's why we chose this restaurant. Hehe... Wonder how large is the drink? Here's the photo.
Can you see the difference? So, we had 2 of this free drinks since there was 2 birthday guys and we didn't need to order any other drink. Haha.... save money.
This is what I order. Waffle------my favourite food. Of course, there was a birthday cake. The celebration end at around 6.15pm. We took lots of pictures and also videos. Hmm.... Can't wait for my birthday~ Hahaha....
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