Having a great time tonight. I've finally got to watch the movie I've long for. So relax after the movie. This week has been a busy week for me cos there's 2 tests on this sat. Dun feel like sleeping now cos my mind keeps thinking about the movie. Wondering what movie is it?! Hehe... It's the Super-Duper Autobots------Transformers. It's so, so, so exciting and all the robots are damn cool!! Everyone is so
crazy about it ( even me ). Hehe..... All the cinemas are full with viewers. Wau~!!! This is the
1st time I saw that the sits are full and the tickets have finish solding out for each showtime. You have to made an early booking if you want to watch that movie, like 2 or 3 days earlier. I guess Transformers has the most viewers compare to Harry Potter or the lastest just-finsh-showing movie, Pirates of Carribean 3. Although it's a 2 hours and 15 minutes movie, it seems to end quite fast. I felt like watching it again. Hahaha......

Yeah~ This is the autobot I loved most. It's called
BumbleBee. BumbleBee is a friendly autobot and would do anything for his Earthly friends. I remember there's a scene where his leg was destroyed by the evil autobot. It nearly took my tears away. I felt so pity for him....like wanna
smash the evil autobot for destroying
BumbleBee's leg. He is so cool!!!

Optimus Prime, the greatest among all Autobots. He is the heroic leader of all Autobots. He is the kind of robot who looks kinda cold from the outside but is actually warm in the inside. He will try not to hurt human beings. I thought he is going to sacrifice but luckily he's not. When he told Sam ( his earth friend ) to put the Cube into his body, luckily Sam didin't do as what he was asked. Instead, Sam put the Cube into Megatron's body ( the evil Autobot ) which later destroy Megatron.
Caption: This is the transformation of BumbleBee.
This is the scene I like most. It looks so cool when all the
Good Autobots are together.
Caption: I love you, BumbleBee.

She was sexy yet so brave and tough.
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