Monday, June 18, 2007

Playful yet lazy cats, but I love them

Meow...meow...meow....its calling each time when it saw me or it's dinner time. I have 3 cats in my home. I'm a cat lover since I was a child. I remember there's a time when my mum wants to give my cats away, I cried. Guess what?! Of course, she didn't do so and never will after that. Haha... However, my aunt doesn't like cats because she thinks that cats are lazy , dirty and like to mess around like playing with the slippers, flower etc. Whenever my aunt saw the cat playing with the slippers, she will scold it and at the mean time chase it away. My cats have the habit of sleeping on the shoes or slippers. I couldn't figure it out why it likes to sleep on shoes or slippers. The most curious thing is my cat knew which one is my slipper and....will usually sleep on mine! It seldom laid on other people shoes. But I won't mind about it neither my parents nor my eldest aunt will. It's just my second aunt will be mad about it when she saw it. Hehe... But one thing I will stop my cats from doing is walking into the house. I will make sure my cats are in the garden.

Caption: Sleeping on my slipper again.

Well, I think that cats can be consider as 'clean animal ' compare to other animals. It likes to clean its fur most of the time by licking (this what my cats do most of the time). Besides that, cats will dig a hole each time when they want to do their "small thing" or " big thing" and then bury it up when they are finish ( this is also what my cats do and I also saw some other cats do so ). But, I don't think dogs will do so. If not, there won't be so many 'shits' on the pavements, grass or even beside your car tire. What do you think?

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