Thursday, August 28, 2008
Satisfy 13
Got a birthday present from my roommate-cum-coursemate today. A present which I always hope for. Dream come true. Hehe...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Satisfy 12
Yeah.... I'm so happy that I got 98 marks for my life contingencies 1 Test 2. It was over my expectation. I was aiming for a 70 marks but come out a surprise for me. Yes..must work harder for final. Hope I can get at least a B-. God Bless Me.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
New friends
Last Saturday, a friend whom I just known for a month invited me to her church gathering at subang jaya. It was a small gathering, about 20 to 30 peoples. I've been rejecting her invitation for a few times due to some reasons. Finally, I accepted it because she will be leaving for New Zealand tomorrow and she said that she really hope to see me before she leave. She is 6 years my senior. This is the second time I've known a person through survey.
She came to pick me at around 5pm. We went to The Curve for a short shopping first. Then, we went to a Taiwan Restaurant at Subang to have our dinner. She treated me for the dinner. I was surprised and thanked her. At around 7.30pm, we walk to the gathering since it was just a stone throw away from there. This church gathering is a bit different from the one I've been before ( I'm not a christian but I won't hesitate to go to church ).
Monday, July 21, 2008
Somebody's fault?
How should I start writing it? Staring at the computer for sometime, I decided to just write anything that come across my mine. People who get angry easily are often bad-tempered and impatient. They get angry when you misunderstood what they said. Sometimes, it's not your fault but the way they express is wrong. However,they just doesn't realise it and gets angry when they have to repeat the question one more time. Is it that hard to repeat the question ONE more time ? My roommate is this type of person. While getting out of bus this morning, she asked me a question and I answered it wrongly because I was walking in front and there were other vehicles on the road, so I couldn't get what she means properly and she started accusing me that it was my fault for not paying enough attention to her. I was a bit frustrated by it. She is kinda judgemental. It's always other PEOPLE'S and NOT hers after all!! Another incident is the leaking of tape outside the landlord's house. I forgot to phone the landlord about it because I was not around during the weekend and she just blame me for it. I already said that I FORGOTTEN doesn't mean that I DON'T want. Can't people have this forgotten behavior sometimes?! All humans have such characterics. Uh! Am I making the right decision to stay with her? I hate to ask this question. This is because when such question arises it will affect my attitude towards her. Oh, seems hard to explain. As the chinese proverb says: Seeing is easy, staying together is hard. Maybe it is....
Monday, July 14, 2008
Days without blogging
I've haven't been blogging for nearly more than a month. I'm so busy for the past few weeks. Assignment and tests have taken most of my time. Finally, my asssignment going to due tomorrow. On the other hand, another assignment is coming. OMGosh~ Never ending task. Moreover, I'm will be having a test tomorrow. Gambateh to me~
Monday, May 19, 2008
An unforgetable incident
So many heart-breaking things happened this holiday. I was involved in an accident on a Friday noon during the holiday. This was my first time. I was sending my mom to her office. It happenend when I was on my way back home. I was braking at junction heading towards the highway coz there's a car driving very fast from my right. A few seconds after my brake, I heard a loud 'bang' coming from the back of my car. I was shocked and a bit panic. After my conscience, I quickly phoned my mom to tell her what had happened and asked her to come quickly. Luckily, her office was just a stone throw away. Many weird thoughts that made me more scared came across my mind. What if the lady doesn't want to take the responsibility? How am I going to talk with her? I never handle such incident before. Moreover, there was this busybody malay guy who called the police and the toll car coz he wanted to earn commission! But, my mum called her own familiar toll car. At first, I thought it was a 3-car accident coz I saw the guy's car got a bit damaged too and the car that was driving very was the same model and color as his. I thought that I didn't manage to brake in time and knocked into that car. But, I was sure that I didn't knocked any car. I was so screwed up. After my mom arrived, then I realised this guy was just a passer-by. After all, the lady took the responsibilities. My mom and I was so busy that noon coz have to go to the police station.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sunway Piramid
Last Saturday, I went to Sunway Piramid with my 2 best friends. My intuition told me that they were trying to make me feel good (due to the test ) although they didn't said. I'm very happy about it coz this is what best friends are. They can sense that either one of you are not happy and will try to cheer you up. I had a great time with them. The thing we did for the whole day was eating and looking around since Sunway Piramid has newly extend the shopping mall. We had lunch in a BBQ restaurant. Then, we had a window shopping and ended up at the balcony of Sunway Piramid where we can view Sunway Lagoon. We were attracted by the beautiful scenery. At mean time, we have made a promise to go there have fun next month.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The "Spot"
I'm so unhappy today. For the first time, I fail my final exam. I can't accept the fact. All this years of university life, I never have to sit for supplementary (SUPP) exam and I won't let myself to get one. Unfortunately, not this time. I can't forgive the careless mistakes that I've made in the exam. The exam wasn't hard actually. I just don't know what's going into me that day. Even the toughest subject which programming ( when I was in Year 1 Sem 1 ), I had managed to pass it. But, why can't life contingencies?! Am I really that careless this time?
When I check the result just now, I was shock to see my student ID on the supplementary list. Unbelievable. My friend was with me to check the result. I can't seems to find my words to answer him when he asked me whether I pass or not. All of a sudden, I'm speechless. It took me a few minutes to find my words to answer him. The moment I reply him, tears rolled down from my eyes. I started crying. The first time I cried at campus. Luckily, there was not much people there; only my 2 best friends and me.
Supp was like a black spot on a piece of white paper to me. It's hard to erase. Even though you did manage to erase it , the paper has become imperfect. You'll still notice the mark on the paper. My academic has had a uneraseable spot......
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Final tomorrow...
OMGosh, my final is tomorrow. There's still 9 hours left for me to gambateh. I'm having an 'exam fever' now. Not sick. It's a mix feeling of worried, scared, depress and sad. All of a sudden, I miss home very much....miss my mummy's dishes...miss my cat....and most of all everything at hometown. My aunt and her daughter went back to my hometown ( which is also hers ) for "Qing Ming" early morning yesterday. This add up my level of missing home. Trying to cope with it. Focus on final now. God Bless Me. Thanks.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Rynn Lim with Biotherm
While reading the Star newspaper the other day, I over-cross a Biotherm advertisement which states that Rynn Lim Yu Zhong ( Malaysian-born artist) will be coming to Mid valley on 5 April 2008 in conjuction with Biotherm. So, I sms my friend whether she's interested in it or not. She said she's fine with it. So, we end up meeting at Mid valley the next day. We had lunch and then a movie since Rynn Lim is arriving at 5pm. We watch the movie 'Gone Baby Gone' using the buy 1 free 1 coupon I had. By the time, we finished watching the movie, it was about 4pm. We had a short shopping and then quickly get a good spot at Centre Court where Rynn Lim will be.

After that, he sings one of his songs called 'Melody'. It was so nice. People kept taking pictures of him. This was the first time I saw Rynn on the spot. Haha... I can say seeing an artist on tv is different from seeing him 'real'. Hahaha....

The pink color shirt is him. I took the picture from the 1st floor before going down. He is giving a short open ceremony speech. So many people had crowded the area.

Before he leaves, there was a autograph session where he signs for his fan on the Biotherm brochure. Although he was there for 45 minutes ( very short ho), I'm glad to see him.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
New housemates
I'm going to have 2 new housemates soon. I'm not sure whether I should be excited about it or not. Anyway, I'm just staying here for a month only, After that, I'll be moving too. I wanna change my environment. Kinda fed up with here. I wonder how will be my new housemates be. Are they friendly? Guess, I'l have to wait and see.
3 of my housemates have moved out. I'm happy for the 2 of them moving out. But, feeling a bit sad for the other one. Not use to his absentness coz his a kind and friendly housemates. Unlike the other 2, they were lazy, untidy, and most of all annoying. They are like a bamboo and a pumpkin. Why? One is thin and tall while the other is fat and short. The fatty always likes to make fun of people and bluff around. He thought that he is the greatest. All he knows is sleep and copying during test actually. It's noisy when he is around. Irritating and offensive. Now, it's much better without him. Haha... However, I miss the Mr. Friendly guy.......
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Lame excuses
Yo~ Why humans keep giving excuses when they had done something wrong? Why can't they just admit their fault? What are they afraid of? Because of their fame? or what? I don't understand. Saying 'sorry' is it really that hard. I wonder.... My housemate is one of the type. His sink was broken. So, of course, he need to pay for it coz he is bind to the contract. But, he is giving such a lame, unreasonable and ridiculous excuses, saying DEPRECIATION!! Ya, some things depreciate. But, it's a ceramic sink. I don't even see my house sink broken unless it is knock by something which is hard or heavy. So, what kind of excuses is his? Unacceptable. Really feel like giving him a slap. Feel annoyed by it.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Miss you guys~
All of a sudden, I miss my hometown friends so much. Feel like flying back to meet up with them. Don't know why. Just wanna hang out with them, take pictures with them. I feel like there's something I haven't done. Oversea study make me realise that friends are to be treasured. For the past few years, I always thought that I can hang out easily with my friends. However, after going to university, I realised that it's hard to meet up with all of my friends. This is because some of them have gone oversea to study and have different holidays. I really MISS YOU GUYS~
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Wonderful weekend
Last saturday, my cousin and I went to our aunt's house for a short stay. She just came here to study. So, I showed her the way to aunt's house. Moreover, I'm also free coz my test is over. It's so good to be at a place which make you feel like you're at home. The moment I arrived at my aunt's house I feel so relax. All those tiredness seems to gone by itself. We have lots of fun with my aunt's children. We played online games together and went out for dinner. Finally, I get to buy the shirt I've been longing for. Felt so happy about it. Haha.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Life busy or busy life
I've been busy since last week. Kept having test after one another. When can I have a break? I having 3 tests this week. Yo~ I feel like going to collapse. Getting busy and busier each week. Assignment is going to due. Help~
What sort of feeling is this?
Rainy day. Suddenly, I miss chatting with you. Dunno why. We have already been chatting for a year. Maybe I'm used to it already. No matter how busy I am, when you chat with me, I'll always spare the time out. I just can't stop chatting with you. Sometimes, I really have the urge to tell you my feelings for you. Or questioned you whether did you treat all your friends the same. I mean like when I wrote : very very very painful or something that seems not right, you'll always the one to care for me. I know it could simply means a normal caring of a friend. Is it really just that? I just have a strange feelings. We chat and laugh a lot in msn. But, when we met at school, we just seems to become queit or just a simple greeting like Hi etc. This is what makes me feel strange. It's hard to explain. Weird feelings? If we can chat so much in msn, then why not in school?! I still remember the surprise you gave me on my birthday. You appeared so suddenly coz you said that you weren't free. You seem shy when you arrived. Although you were there for a while, I'm very bliss.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Unhappy day
I din manage to do finish the test paper for life contingiencies today. That lecturer only gave us half an hour to finish it. There was 4 questions with many sub-questions. Chapter 3 is the most easiest chapter among all the chapters. I was planning to score on this chapter. But, who knows?! The lecturer was so insist to collect the test paper when time's up even though we pleaded for another extra few minutes. Although most of us didn't manage to finish it on time, I still feel sad about it. Another thing is the macroeconomic test today. I have 2 tests today. I made a careless mistake on the calculation. Haiz....guess lucky star din come today? Huhu.....
Friday, February 15, 2008
Day 3 of CNY
I enjoy myself so much on this day. My ex-classmates are having a house-to-house visiting or called "tuan bai". I get to see most of my ex-classmates. So happy. Things are even merrier when there was kid around. One my friend brought her son along which made our "tuan bai" even more merrier. Her son was so cute and adorable. To my surprise, he was very obedient and yet he was only 2 years old! It's true. Most of the kids of his age would be very naughty and playful. When they come to your house , they would jump here and there, touch your things. In short, very annoying. But, my friend's child was so different. When someone gave him something, he would thanked you automatically. Unlike most of the kids who have to wait for her mum to tell them what to do and would sometimes ignore it. Due to his good behaviour, he caught the heart of everyone he met during the "tuan bai". He gave us so much laughter during our "tuan bai". It was a memorial day.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Gong Xi Fa Cai
4 more days left to Chinese New Year~ I'm going back tomorrow night. Can't wait for it. Maybe because most of my friends have gone back to their hometown. The first thing I'm going to do when I'm back is going to the Night Market! I like the atmosphere, the things sold, the new year song and so on.
Chinese New Year is always the joyful moment of the year. Get to wear pretty clothes, shoes and most of all ......ANGPOW! Haha. I realised that each people has their own way of celebrating this special occassion. Some people might treat this festival as a "public holiday" or " a chance of vacation" depends on where they are. Why? When you're at a country which is far far away from your hometown, the atmosphere or feeling of Chinese New Year isn't that 'strong'. Like, 2 of my friends who are at England won't be coming back this new year. The time isn't the same. But for me, Chinese New Year is special not because of the red packets or the new clothes. It's the atmosphere which is full of laughter and the lion dance and the firecrackers that made me feel happy. Chinese New Year is perfect with all this events. Yeah~
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Feelings of mine....
It's already been 2 semesters. The feelings remain the same. You're still deep inside my heart. Each time I saw you at campus, my heart tends to beat faster. I can't even control. I become quiet when I saw you. Yesterday, you suddenly appeared when I was having lunch at the stall behind the back gate. I was glad to see you. I wish to help you with the assignments when you asked who knows how to do. I just wanna help you do something.....
I really wanna let you know my feelings for you. I wanna know how you feel about me. But, I'm scared about your reactions. I miss watching movie with you, miss chatting with you, miss your caring when you know I'm hurt, miss you...........
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Shopping Day
Yesterday was a public holiday. Everyone was free. I got a called from my buddy asking me to go shopping with her and her cousin. So, I joined because I still haven't finish buying my new year clothes. I meet her up at Midvalley. We went to eat Sushi King. There's always a long queue at Sushi King on public holidays and weekends. We finished eating at 3pm. Then, started our shopping. After shopping for about 2 hours. Finally, I managed to buy a sleeveless shirt. It was red colour. So happy. I went back at around 6 pm because another friend of mine has invited me for dinner. What a nice day it was.
Friday, January 11, 2008
New year, New expectations
While browsing friendster, I saw my friend's family photo. The smile on their faces show how happy they were. Suddenly, it reminds me of the last time I took a family photo which was 3 years ago. So, this new year I'm going to take many family photos. I want to 'renew' my family photo. Haha... Through the photo you can see the changes in your family. I want to take down the happy moments. Memory doesn't last long but photos will help you recall the memories that you nearly forgotten. I realised this when I saw the photos in my friend's profile. I also want to take pictures of my ex-classmates while gathering on Chinese New Year. The things you do on each age is different. When you reach thirty, you can't be acting cute anymore. We should cherish every age. Last but not least, I'm striking to get a much better result than last semester. Up,up I go~ Haha...
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Satisfy 11
Hurray!!! I got a b- for my moral which I didn't expect coz the question was kinda tricky. I'm even happy for my business law. I got a B which I also didn't expect coz I don't know my coursework mark. Yeah~
Monday, January 7, 2008
There seems to be a weird feeling in heart which I couldn't describe. Sad? Worried? Eager? Waiting? Scared? Hoping? I just couldn't identify what kind of feeling it is. Sigh~ I'm blur about my future. I'm not prepare to face the world of business yet. All this years, the world I'm facing is books and the happy moments with friends. Next year, I'm going to graduate and after that I'm going my own path. In other words, everyone is going seperate ways after graduation. When I think of this, the weird feeling is back. Sigh~ Actually, I should be clear about what I want in the future. I mean my goal. But, the people around me 'shaking' my mind. I'm lost. All this while, I don't wanna admit the fact that I'm Can't Stand To Lose no matter in what area. We called this kind of habit as 'KiaSu' . I just hate it yet I'm one of it. Ugh~
End of 2007 and beginning of 2008
First day of campus today. Usually, classes start on this day. But, today, there's no class and I don't know why. It should be a macroeconomic class. Um....maybe the lecturer overslept coz it's a 8 am class. I'm so lazy to wake up this morning after a 2-week holiday. Although it's a 2-week holiday, I enjoy myself very much compared to my september holiday which was also 2 weeks. Maybe because it's the end of 2007 and most universities holiday start. So, most of my ex-classmates are back to hometown and we can meet each other. We went for tea and watch movie. Morever, mum has taken a week leave to accompany me and we get to go out shopping together. Yeah~ Happy~
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